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Consumer Spotlight: Meet Michele

Michele Wilkes is an accountant with All-In Accounting Solutions in St. Louis. She has extensive experience living a low-carb eating lifestyle and most recently discovered how using Biosense® along with it can be a powerful tool in the prevention of…

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Consumer Spotlight: Meet Mindy

Mindy Faber is the co-founder and executive director of Convergence Design Lab in Chicago. Mindy has been an avid user of Bisense since July. Here she explains how Biosense® helped her reclaim control of her health, has kept her feeling…

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Consumer Spotlight: Meet Graham

Graham Mackenzie is a realtor from Boise, Idaho, an endurance and ultra-marathon runner, and a dedicated user of Biosense® for the past year. Here he reveals how he got started on Biosense® and the low-carb, fat burn lifestyle, how it…

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