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How Your Sweet Tooth Can Add Years to Your Face

Most of us already know that eating sugary foods isn’t our friend when it comes to taking care of our…

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Consumer Spotlight: Meet Michele

Michele Wilkes is an accountant with All-In Accounting Solutions in St. Louis. She has extensive experience living a low-carb eating…

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Here’s What Kicks You Out of Fat Burn…And What You Can Do About It

So you’ve decided to implement a low-carb lifestyle to slim down. You’ve learned all about carbs and their vital role…

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Consumer Spotlight: Meet Mindy

Mindy Faber is the co-founder and executive director of Convergence Design Lab in Chicago. Mindy has been an avid user…

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The Science of Fat Loss for a Slimmer Body

Slimming down is arguably the number one goal shared by most people when it comes to bettering their health, and…

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The Most Impactful Ways to Reach Fat Burn

The popularity of the low-carb lifestyle has taken off in recent years, boasting a wide array of benefits from weight…

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